Stacey Gonzalez
Nurse Practitioner
Stacey Gonzalez is a nurse practitioner and has been a practicing registered nurse in the state of Connecticut for over 8 years. She has worked in specialties including medicine, post-operative surgery, and the operating room, specializing in brain and spine procedures.
Education & Training:
- Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Southern Connecticut State University
- Master’s degree in Nursing, concentration: Family Nurse Practitioner from Fairfield University
- Sigma Theta Tau International Honors Society
- Certified PeriOperative Registered Nurse (CNOR)
- Board-Certified Family Nurse Practicioner
More About Stacey Gonzalez:
Norwalk Hospital is where she found her interest in neurosurgery. While in her training, she met Dr. Shahid, Dr. Batson, and Dr. Sanderson. It wasn’t long after that Stacey developed a devote passion for the operating room, concentrating on brain and spine procedures.
As a dedicated life-long student, she continued to pursue higher education. Stacey obtained her certification as a registered nurse in the operating room (CNOR). Concurrently, Stacey attended Fairfield University where she served as a teacher’s assistant to undergraduate nurses, as well as an assistant editor to a developing academic journal. She was indicted into the Sigma Theta Tau Honor Society, and graduated with her Master’s degree as a nurse practitioner.
She now finds herself working alongside the team at neurosurgical associates where she continues to learn the ins and outs of the neurosurgical specialty.
Other Credentials & Recognitions:
- Active member of the Association of periOperative Registered Nurses (AORN)
- Active member of the American Nurses Association (ANA)
Danbury Office
33 Hospital Road
Danbury, CT 06810
P: 203-792-2003
F: 203-792-8193
Norwalk Office
148 East Avenue
Suite 3D
Norwalk, CT 06851
P: 203-853-0003
F: 203-838-5423
View Other Providers
Ramon Batson
Section Chief of Neurosurgery,
Norwalk Hospital
Jonathon Lebovitz
Joshua Marcus
Gina Porto
Scott P. Sanderson
Section Chief of Neurosurgery,
Danbury Hospital
Katherine Swan
Jeffrey Gilligan
Appointment Request
Locations in:
– Norwalk
– Danbury
Give Us A Call:
Danbury: 203-792-2003
Norwalk: 203-853-0003