Thank You Sean Hanson and Cassie Petit

Thank You Sean Hanson and Cassie Petit Over the past few months we have said goodbye to two important members of our neurosurgical family, Sean Hanson and Cassie Petit. Although we are sad to lose such exceptional providers, we are excited and happy for their new...

Continued Global Health Education

Continued Global Health Education Dr. Yulia Troshina, a neurologist from Kazan State Medical University, Russia, arrived for one month of training at Norwalk Hospital. During her time here, she took part in neurosurgical education with our office under the supervision...

Neurosurgical Associates Goes Worldwide

Neurosurgical Associates Goes Worldwide During his recent trip to Russia, Dr. Shahid met with Dr. Alexey Sozinov, the Rector of KSMU, and Marat Mukhamedyarov, the Head of the International Program for Global Health. Dr Shahid is an instrumental member of the Global...
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